I've been a woman my whole life and I don't get half the free pass on womanhood that Caitlyn Jenner gets. How come nobody is mentioning her wrinkles? Width of her hips? Ridiculing her use of botox? Are men now ruining being a woman, too?
There is a lot of pain in an identity crisis, I'm not minimizing that. Women are beaten, raped, mutilated, have their healthcare called into question, are discriminated against and bear tremendous responsibility for the furthering of society. Transgender folks suffer from discrimination, rape, physical abuse. . . uhh yeah, have you read FBI statistics on violence against women? Or checked out a women's health clinic? That's what it's like, and it's better in this country than most others.
I'm not saying don't complain, don't fight for your rights - what I'm saying is, how the hell is this not related or lumped into the status of women? How did that happen that it became a separate movement for a different group of women? Google the phrase "celebrities who wear too much makeup" - and see if there are any transgender folks on that list. Do any of the women that come up in that search wear as much make-up as the participants of Drag Race, Ru Paul's t.v. show? If you don't have time to stop your normal googling of Star Wars bedsheets to go take this test, I'll tell you the answer: no. Transgender women aren't criticized for wearing as much make-up as, say, Christina Aguilera.
What frustrates me the most is that Caitlyn is described as looking "free, radiant, and beautiful" - who describes women on the cover of Vanity Fair as looking free? What woman is lauded for just being herself without following it up with a nasty comment about her weight? Only those who start out with male privilege, I guess.
She looks kind of like a guy.