Thursday, September 27, 2018

Let's Talk About Rape, Baby

I realize my audience has probably moved on to other blogs, vlogs, podcasts, and the grave, but I need somewhere to put my rage right now.

If Jerry Sandusky had been raping little girls, he would have just paid off their parents and married one of them. We'd know all of the victims' names and ages, relationship history and maturity levels - maybe they wore make-up? She initiated? Her clothes were tight, she liked it, she was ready. We would know everything about those little girls and possibly their shitty parents, too. Sometimes girls make these things up. However, Sandusky had been abusing little boys so an entire multimillion dollar NCAA sports franchise was shut the fuck down and a slew of people stepped down from leadership positions in disgrace for covering it up. Catholic Church? Same. There is a collective anguish when we hear these stories - the trauma of the boys and how they must struggle to live with that experience.

When a woman is raped, there is no collective anguish or collective grief over how her life is permanently altered, how maybe she's afraid to leave the house because Brock Turner raped her while she was unconscious or struggles to be in a romantic relationship because her view of sex will just never be the same. Men don't think of her - of us - that way. They never will, I'm convinced, and you can't make them. They're convinced a woman is lying to ruin a man because she can't remember what color the walls were or whether he had shaved that day. When a woman gets raped, it's a political stunt. If Judge Kavanaugh had been raping young men who clerked for him, insisting on sexual favors from males in his employ, he'd already be hiding under a bridge in Panama. We wouldn't even know whether any of those men were gay, liked it, or wore suggestive ties with male genitalia sprinkled all over them.

Like Bill Cosby, Judge Kavanaugh is a violent sexual predator. Is there no other possible nomination to the Supreme Court that can also stomp on the rights of women's free access to all forms of healthcare? You can't find anyone that isn't a sexual offender who is also a misogynist and will do your corporate interest bidding?

The only solution is that we need more female police officers, doctors, soldiers, scientists, mayors, members of Congress, Senators, diplomats, lawyers, judges, prosecutors and presidents. Men are not going to fix this and I'm tired of pretending that they might get better. Don't push them to be better, push them out of the way and take over. When they sexually harass you, don't sign non-disclosure agreements so he can go on to get a better job while you suspect your prospects may have been quashed. He doesn't deserve it.

You know what, men? We're coming for ya. If Judge Kavanuagh gets appointed to the Supreme Court, we're coming for ya. If he doesn't, we're still coming for ya.

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