I don't know where the stats stand in terms of which has the higher death rate, ALS or being an African-American, but it's not a competition, it's for charity!
News coverage of Ferguson, MO is shocking and painful to watch. Protesters taking to the streets to oppose the vigilante-style police force break my heart. The looting is just awful. Police playing soldier is insane. Don't get me wrong, I really hate those COEXIST bumper stickers, so back up with that Geo Storm of peace, but this thing is horrible, out of control and SAD.
Even though I've only experienced institutionalized sexism, but not really institutionalized racism - except for when people assume I have all kinds of control over the media because my last name is Jewenheimermeyervich, I am going to express an opinion nobody cares about on this - it's really awful and it happens too much.
I didn't need to hear that Michael Brown was college-bound to feel sympathetic and I didn't need to see videos of him in a convenience store (where he paid for his items) to turn on the looters. DO NOT ASSOCIATE LOOTERS WITH PEACEFUL PROTESTORS BEGGING FOR JUSTICE. Essentially, the town of Ferguson is hostage to the awful work of badly trained police officers and there are dozens of other cities in the U.S. where this could have taken place.
If only Michael Brown's friends had been exercising their right to bear arms, they could have fired a few shots at the mad man who sunk 6 bullets into that poor kid. More guns would have been great in that situation, right? Isn't that why we want more access to guns, to protect ourselves from an out-of-control government? His friends could have formed a militia and stopped him after bullet 2 or 3 and FINALLY, we would understand what the NRA is talking about. FINALLY.
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