Donald Trump is running as a man - mentioned his dick on stage, the size of it, the importance of it - how great it is. He talked about his dick. That's definitely running some kind of gender game.
I get it that men don't think electing someone because they are a woman is important, but it's not like Miss America is running on a platform of world peace and reading books to children--there is a seasoned and experienced leader running who also happens to be a woman.
Because people (men) don't understand why women in office matter, here is a workable list. Print it out and save it in your pocket and pull it out and reference it when you are tempted to say things like "so I'm sexist if I don't like her? This other candidate likes women's issues too, but he happens to be a man" - because it's different. Until you start paying premiums on shaving razors and soap because they come in pastels, you don't get it.
The National Institute of Health didn't include women and minorities in their clinical trials until Congress made them in the 1990s. The 90s, Brah, because the first Executive Director of Emily's List (Rosa DeLauro) ran for Congress, got elected, and then championed that bill.
In the same time frame - Anita Hill and Clarence Thomas. One step forward, a million slaps in the face. If there had been as many women in Congress then as there are today, that might not have happened.
Fast Forward to the Affordable Care Act, which finally and ultimately almost completely leveled the playing field in terms of healthcare costs and access for women - half of the population who bear the burden for producing the population. Thank you to all of the women of Congress, like Nancy Pelosi, who made sure that things like equal premiums for men and women (because women used to have to pay more), and basic preventive services were finally covered. Thanks to the ACA, women can no longer be denied coverage for being a survivor of domestic violence. BRAHHHH! That was only 2012! Domestic Violence! No insurance! Breastfeeding support and pumping supplies are now covered by insurance, thanks to ACA. "Oh that comes naturally, what she done need that for?" No, no it does not. If women's healthcare hadn't largely been treated like a mystery happening in the closet with Grandma, you'd know more. There is so much in there that finally protects women, secures their whole health and promotes better standards of care where there were none. At the same time, we're still fucking arguing about Planned Parenthood.
It takes a woman to sit in Congress and say things like how come no young girls of color are getting into STEM fields? We need a bill to support that push and open those opportunities (thank you, Joyce Beatty). Another woman to introduce a bill to fund the research of uterine fibroids (Stephanie Jones Tubbs - introduced in 2005 and STILL in committee), something that affects millions of women who end up with hysterectomies because there isn't enough research about better treatment options. Prostate cancer gets a stamp and it affects fewer people than fibroids.
Just about every woman I know has either been sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, or both at some point in her life. A friend of mine was recently sexually harassed and her organization took immediate action and fired him after letting him know privately it was for this sexual harassment, but told her not to tell anyone that was why, didn't publicly state that's why he was fired, and then he went and got a better higher paying job, anyway. "Support" from men comes with limits.
TODAY, girls are sent home from school for wearing things that are distracting to boys. Whose education is of value?
You're saying it's wrong to vote with our ovaries, well, let me remind you that Trump is on the campaign trail talking about the impressiveness of his dick - what are those dudes voting with?
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