Monday, January 23, 2017

I Love You, But You're Wrong

I have friends and family that are TRUMPets. I love them, most of them are good people, but they read fake news stories and post them on social media. A handful of them are well-to-do, but mostly they are not. Some of them are educated, some are not - and they're all white. Many of their opinions are generic and vague. I am related to white women who believe feminism has "ruined" things.

I went to the women's march and I didn't take any selfies and didn't wear a hat. My grandmother called me to tell me she was proud of me for going and wished she was in good enough health to be there herself. She has children and grandchildren that are TRUMPets. Some of them have the nerve to complain about "violent protestors" even though they voted for a guy who bragged about sexual assault.

I don't know how to actively convince people that read and share fake news and ignore facts that there are important issues related to the greater good at stake and the entire world is terrified about what it means that America elected a petty toddler who has never done anything for anyone ever. Some believe he is going to do great things like secure borders, improve an already recovering economy, and help those who feel "forgotten" by their politicians by reopening coal mines and reigniting the manufacturing sector. Guess what manufacturing sector, nobody wants to hire you unless you are a small child in a developing nation without legal rights. Why would Donald Trump choose a factory here in the U.S. to produce his ties and pay workman's comp, health insurance, overtime, and unemployment, when he could have it done in Bangladesh or China? The answer is, he didn't. His clothes are made in Asia.

I don't understand people who believe in lies, promote fake news and maintain unreasonable expectations for elected officials without quite knowing what those officials are tasked to do, what authorities they possess, and how laws are made - but I do love a bunch of them for reasons unrelated to their politics. Is there a guidebook for navigating this? Also, why are the TRUMPets whining so much about people being upset that a megalomaniac took office? Like, they whine and whine whine that nobody likes him and his approval rating is low and people are complaining about the shitty stuff he says and his petty temper tantrums about people at his party. Wah wah wah give him a chance *sniff sniff* wah wah you're mean wah wah he only raped a few women but he loves America and will make nice parades with tanks in the streets and flags and rigid marching wah wah wah what does fascist mean?

I'm not looking to be diplomatic here, I'm looking for answers. What to do? WWBOD?

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