Friday, February 20, 2015


We hate Islamic extremists and we sort of hate drug cartels, although they can be a bit sexy and have such Hollywood appeal with their swarthy beard stubble and rough hands all over that kalishnikov rifle. . .

They both take over small villages, kidnap young girls as sex slaves, kill young men or force them into service of the gang, and leave "survivors" reeling from grief and living in fear. They've both created tremendous humanitarian crises resulting in refugees fleeing for the borders and destabilized governments.

Drug cartels in Central America are wreaking havoc. They are powerful, lawless, wealthy and cruel. It's a terrible combination. Thousands of families, widowed mothers and babies, and even unaccompanied children are fleeing these unstable war zones in places like El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala for the U.S. border. Mostly, they are being sent to detention centers or deported, but it's a tremendous refugee crisis and these refugees are terrified to go home, although they're getting deported in record numbers. They aren't Muslim, though, and there's no access to oil down there, so who gives a crap? Can we talk about waging a Twitter war in Central America to try to convince desperate and unaffiliated Central Americans not to join up with the cartels? Hearts and minds, anybody? Oh, that's a dumb idea? Oh, ok. Well, what would put a stop to the murderous rampage going on down there that has destabilized the region and led to thousands of deaths and a U.S. border crisis? Oh, we don't care? Ok. Never mind.

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